1. Email Message from: Sh. TK Malhotra:

November 2-2015
Shri W.C. Chhabra
Residents Welfare Association, D Block –(D-61-135) Regd.
Saket, New Delhi.
How can we the residents ever possibly thank you and Mr. Khatry as also your dedicated
Governing Body members for successfully resolving significant issues that are pertinent to
Security, safety and welfare of the residents.
Yet another feather in your caps venturing to bring out a Directory for keeping the
Residents well informed which means a lot to social bonding..... Congratulations!
T.K. Malhotra
President AAUI
Federation Internationale de I' Automobile (FIA)
Paris, France
Vice President
Automobile Association of Upper India (AAUI)
C-8 Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi 110016
Tel : +91 11 26852033
Fax : +91 11 26857304
WhatsApp Messages
The work of the RWA has been widely appreciated by the residents who have been making very useful suggestion from time to time |
2. Message from Mr. Sujit Kumar-D-69 Saket New Delhi-110017
Aug 8, 2016
"The RWA has done excellent work under the leadership of Mr Chhabra. Traffic, congestion, metro, security, staffing, social events, cisf and overall concern for problems as and when they arise. These are clearly very hands on responsibilities served in an honorary capacity. Hence, requires dedication, time, sensitivity, effective handling and communication. Unless there are others who think they can do a better job, the present team should continue. Continuity helps. Hope residents agree.
Sent from my iPhone"
3. Message from Ms. Dolly Khanna
D-96 Saket, Aug 8, 2016
"My thought- Mr W C Chhabra to continue for another term. He is an excellent, dedicated & sincere responsible leader. He has hands on experience. I vote for him only.
Let him carry on for this term.
Good luck chhabra sahib. Please keep it us n guide others.
Dolly khanna d 96 saket."
4. Message from Aditya D-64 -
Aug 8, 2016
"I agree with you the way Chhabra uncle and khatri uncle devoting time and their management style is excellent."
5. Message from Dr. Chaggar - D-81 Saket, Aug 8, 2016
"Chhabra sahib and Khatri sahib are good examples, they have shown excellent result based leadership. They have my support too."
6. Message from Sh.VIKAS Bansal
D-111 Saket, Aug 8,2016
"--------------------------------------- Mine too. Keep up the good work.---------------------------------------"
7. Email from Aman malik –D-125 saket- 21 Dec 2015
aman mallick <amanmallick1@gmail.com> |
to me, Ajay, Pramod, RN, anantmala.potd., Aadesh, skgupta1100, RWA
Dear All ,
I , congratulate to all residents / commitee members of the RWA on installing a new Road Sign-age , which will be very helpful to our guests and visitors .
I , must appreciate the effort and dedication of our president Mr W.C. Chhabra ji and his sincere team work in improving the quality of life of all the residents residing between D- 61 to D- 135 , saket .
All the best to the Governing team of Residents Welfare Association D- Block , ( D- 61 to D- 135 ) saket ( REGD ) .
I , wish you all a very happy , healthy and a prosperous New Year ahead .
Thanks & Regards